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Reimagining Moraca river as a catalyst for podgorica's transformation

Submitted as part of a competition calling for connecting the moraca river and rejuvenating its neighborhood in the city of Podgorica.

Podgorica’s relationship with Morača River is substantial and it is apparent in the way the urban fabric has evolved over the years. The river cuts through the heart of the urban core, and a majority of the public and private institutions, cultural landmarks and historic neighborhoods have a direct presence on the river edge. The river is central to the identity of the city and interventions of any scale on the river edge will have a direct influence on the dynamics of the city. Hence, we envision a strategic rejuvenation framework for the Morača River that goes beyond enhancing the immediate river edge and to catalyze positive transformations that the city strives for.

The framework proposes three strategic goals that would help the city plan and implement the rejuvenation of Morača River in an integrated manner. Each of the goals address critical themes that are significant to bring about a holistic approach towards rejuvenation of the river.
GOAL 1: FOSTERING LOCAL CULTURE & IDENTITY embraces the connection between Morača River and the region’s identity, natural and cultural heritage by establishing strong ecological and experiential linkages with the urban fabric.
GOAL 2: NURTURING A HEALTHIER, RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE FUTURE propels communities along the river edge towards a better future in the age of climate change and advocates for a harmonious coexistence with natural systems.
GOAL 3: STIMULATING INNOVATION unlocks the future potential of the river edge to accommodate new paradigms of 21st century urban living and supporting new economies and innovation.

The Framework prescribes a ‘Catalogue of Actions’ for each of the strategic goals that are to be implemented by the city and the various stakeholders in order to achieve a goal. Further, the framework identifies a catalytic urban project under each of the strategic goals. The catalytic projects are significant investments to accelerate the rejuvenation framework and at the same time help propel the strategic goals beyond the river edges to stimulate the transformation of Podgorica. Following the rejuvenation of the river, the strategic goals can be scaled up to a city wide framework that will transform Podgorica into an innovative hub, cultural center, and a sustainable city.

Podgorica, Montenegro | 2020 | Competition Idea

Collaborators: Sujatha A, Praveen raj, Manushi Jain, Radhakrishnan TR, Missing picture

Client: Municipality of the city of montenegro

Organizers: Sponge collaborative

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